Friday, December 3, 2010


I was torn,bruised and fatigued....!
Standing on my shivering legs,dull,lost and aghast, I traced for my footholds..
I failed..!

I chuckled,peeped into the crowd!
I wished, I could snatch my self from them.
The crowd appeared strange.
As strange as my dreams.
I laughed at my anonymity with my senses.
And walked away!

Then the night slithered down from heaven,and settled around my nothingness
I smiled. Feeling indebted.
Indebted to her comraderie.
A companion indeed she was,so silent yet silencing my unheard cries...!

The night...! SHE smells my 'hollow' pores,
And sprinkles 'dark melodies' over them..
Pores..that constitute my psyche....!
The night...! Her 'darkness'- just like a dark cupid blanket
A blanket which i feel she has woven just for me,out of some
soothing,surreal sympathy...!

But then soon the shades- the dark ones-melt into  chirpy brightness!
My love, my mate- the 'night' subsides into pale memoirs of romance,
the love which we made melts into nothingness!

The sun blazes in the sky...and i go on sulking over the day..over the
day being a 'day'.

I feel dazed! Lost! Unsure!
How could I take on the 'day'.. think i..,
for i hate the bright shades floating around its aura..!
People...! They cling along the day.
And there stand i peeping into them..,trying hard to cry...!

That day i thought,was no different a day..the same sulking day..!
Plucking the rosy petals of smoldering silence,which the night had gifted me..
I was waiting for the night to descend..
to descend and snatch my virginity...
yes! though every night i felt like losing my virginity and snatching
hers too...
But every morning the i found her the purile,so fresh,
melting into the day..!
Oh! i felt like dying of shame...!

So,after letting the night plunder my heart,raping my conscious part,
i found the day descending down..!
Tired, i fainted as i counted the hours that constitute a day....!
And then i don't know when,but then,at some point of time,surprisingly
during the day,
I found YOU........!
YOU were someone stuck into the crowd....!
That very crowd which mocked me....!
I didn't care..! waiting YOU to pass like all those skeletons...!
But YOU didn't!

I felt like torturing my eye-lids when i kept them open for YOU, for
YOU to fit into my canvass..!
Although the emptiness inside me kept ignoring your presence, a part
of me kept mum...!
A part unknown to me, a part of me revolting against me...!
I tried to yell,wishing the part so silent to yell along with me and
shoo YOU away!

But something inside me,had silenced my yearn- yearn to yell and break free...!
And even I was glued to the deafening roars of silence...!

YOU were bright!  As bright as the 'DAY'.
YOU were blazing! Just like the shining sun!
I tried to run! And failed yet again!

YOU came! Near! Nearer!
And I stood transfixed,charmed,hypnotized....!
YOU plundered! Plundered the shallow,hollow part inside me..!
I begged,resisted...!
And need i tell YOU ,that I failed!!! Yet again...!

The pores inside me,begged YOU, begged not to loot their existence!
But YOU were rude!
YOU smeared not sprinkled, something which felt sensual..!
Felt alien yet refreshingly fresh....!
 AND There stood i feeling i have ditched my mate- the eternal night....!
But YOU went on raping my conscience,raping me, alien parts..!

Then YOU left and lost into the crowd!
Left me ashamed with tear-drops racing all across my dazed face...!
I knew, i was the cheater...!

And then,for the first time in my life, i felt like wishing for the
DAY to stay on....on and on....!
For i knew,i couldn't take on the night!

But the night did come, it had to!
Donning the frozen,cold familiar smile,it felt as poignant as
ever...It began flirting with my senses as ever....!
But tonight, i couldn't feel the gushes of emotions!
Somehow I couldn't let her take over my'self'.

She went on to 'sprinkle' her love over the pores, and yelled,and
fainted to find them smeared already with your sweet

The NIGHT----! And I!!
'I'--- ! And the NIGHT!!
I knew, I had stabbed her back, back in the day...!
I knew, I was guilty!!
I knew somewhere down myself, I had developed a liking for the 'DAY'!!
I knew,,,, Resurrection had begun.....!!!!

And the NIGHT????!!
Well! She was at her purile best!
Smiling as ever, she surmised into the day....!

And ME????!!
Well! I Woke up today,and surprisingly didn't close my eyes!!
The SUN was ablaze!
AND I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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